HomeProdottiVetturi ta 'enerġija ġoddaTrakk elettriku taż-żibel u kniserMN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
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  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika
  • MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika

MN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika

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Attributi tal-Prodott

Mudell Nru.MN5180DFBEV Electric Kitchen Garbage Truck


Place Of OriginChina

Abbiltà tal-Provvista u Informazzjoniji...


Produttività1000 pcs/ month


Post ta 'OriġiniIċ-Ċina

Abbiltà tal-Provvista1000pcs/month



Tip ta 'ĦlasL/C,T/T,Money Gram,Western Union


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Il-vantaġġi ta 'vetturi elettriċi puri kif ġej:

1: Biex tadotta disinn ġdid fjamant, grad għoli ta 'intelliġenza, l-ogħla livell ta' sewqan awtomatiku jista 'jilħaq L4;

2: drive elettriku pur, kalamita permanenti ta 'kwalità għolja mutur sinkroniku jew mutur asinkroniku AC, kwalità stabbli, effiċjenza tax-xogħol perfetta;

3: Is-sors tal-enerġija huwa tip ta 'batterija tal-litju affidabbli u stabbli jew batterija tal-fosfat tal-ħadid tal-litju, bl-użu ta' marki globali jew Ċiniżi magħrufa, bħal CATL, BYD, CALB, u LISHEN, eċċ, eċċ., SAFU ħajja, sa 5000-10000 ċiklu;

4: Mod ta 'ċċarġjar AC standard u mod ta' ċċarġjar veloċi DC, li jista 'jiġi ċċarġjat id-dar jew f'munzelli pubbliċi. Konvenjenti u mgħaġġel. L-adozzjoni tat-tliet standards ewlenin tal-iċċarġjar tad-dinja GBT, sikuri u affidabbli;

5: Vetturi elettriċi puri, ivvjaġġar favur l-ambjent, aħdar u ħieles mit-tniġġis, sikur u li jiffranka l-enerġija.

Model MN5180DFBEV
Chassis model EQ1180GEVJ5
Fuel type All-electric
Drive motor model TZ370XS-LKM1103
Motor rated power/engine speed/torquekW/r/min/N.m 80/1270
Motor peak power/engine speed/torquekW/r/min/N.m 1100/4500
Power battery type Lithium iron phosphate battery
Power battery manufacturer CATL
The energy density of power battery                    W·h/kg 140
Total capacity of energy storing devicekWh 218.55
Driving mileagekm 250
GVW(kg) 18000
Curb weight(kg) 10150/10450
Rated loading mass(kg) 7655/7355
Dimension(Length /WidthHeight)(mm) 8670×2510×3150
Chassis Manufacturer Dongfeng
Wheelbase(mm) 5300
Front /rear suspension(mm) 1430/1940
Approach angle(°) 16
Departure angle(°) 13
Maximum travel speed(km/h) 100
Unloading Cycle Time(s) ≤70
Lifting Device Cycle Time(s) ≤24
Garbage Tank Volume(m³) ≥13.5
Garbage Tank Available Volume(m³) ≥10.5
Sewage Tank Volume(m³) ≥0.55
Clean Water Tank Volume(m3) ≥0.4
High-pressure Washer Model/Working Pressure(MPa) Heimao FLM0719/4MPa
Hydraulic System Maximum Pressure(MPa) 16
Air Conditioning Warm/Cold
Main performance description
¿ It adopts a special tailgate anti-drip device to accept the swill that leaks when it is not sealed. The structure is simple, environmentally friendly, and safe.
¿Equipped with a tailgate safety brace device, when the rear door is opened for maintenance, the safety brace will be propped up to prevent the tailgate from accidentally falling and improve safety.
¿Equipped with sewage collection, discharge, and flushing devices, which can initially realize solid-liquid separation, collect and discharge excess sewage, and can also connect an external fire hydrant pipe to flush the sewage tank, which is environmentally friendly and safe, and improves the loading capacity and maintainability
¿The rear door cylinder seat is arranged vertically, which is convenient for installation and maintenance, and the sequence valve is used to realize the opening and closing sequence of the rear door and the latch, which is reliable in action and reduces costs.
¿The right side of the box is equipped with hanging bucket, pressing bucket and supporting bucket structure, lifting frame main rail and auxiliary rail, which can lift 120, 240 liters of standard trash cans, the friction is small during the rising process, and the lifting mechanism does not open during the linear motion process , The action is smooth, safe and reliable; the lifting mechanism and the upper cover form a linkage mechanism (national patent technology) through the connecting rod and the swing arm, which not only saves costs, but also improves work efficiency.
¿The tilting angle of the trash can and the height of the tooth plate from the ground can be adjusted by the angle adjustment mechanism (national patent technology) at the upper end of the lifting rail and the adjustable connecting rod, so as to avoid the garbage can not dump due to the insufficient tilting angle of the trash can Clean problem, strong compatibility, lower production requirements
Tank material and Work Flow
¿All stainless steel materials
¿The overall frame structure, large curved side arc box body
¿Convex arc rear door, strong resistance to deformation,
¿Long service life, strong loading capacity
Anti-rust related processes
¿Before welding, all parts should not stick to water, and there should be no rust marks andrust marks; 
¿The  inner  side  of each  reinforcing  rib (channel  steel, etc.)  and the  base  metal welding position must be coated with anti-rust primer (grass green epoxy primer);
¿Reinforcing ribs such as square pipes must be fully welded with sealing plates on both sides;  
¿Use ordinary welding wire for welding;
¿20mm on the left and right sides of the welding position must be cleaned before welding;  
¿After welding, the slag and spatter around the weld must be removed;
¿After the welding is completed, the whole vehicle is sprayed with paint;

Kategoriji tal-Prodott : Vetturi ta 'enerġija ġodda > Trakk elettriku taż-żibel u kniser

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    Il-messaġġ tiegħek għandu jkun bejn 20-8000 karattru
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HomeProdottiVetturi ta 'enerġija ġoddaTrakk elettriku taż-żibel u kniserMN5180DFBEV Trukk taż-żibel tal-kċina elettrika






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